Corazon C. Aquino, mother of the Filipinos, died at age 76.

She finally released herself from the physical pains of Colon Cancer that was diagnosed early last year.
The Philippines is in a lot of economic and political turmoil but the truth is we all die... what is important is the difference we make in this world. I have such an admiration for President Aquino because what she has gone through is something no ordinary person can take. At the face of tragedy, she held herself high and proven that she could take on anything. She inspires me to be more than the person that I am now.
Still a part of me is joyful because finally after a long time, she'll take her place in the arms of our Lord and be with her husband, Pres. Ninoy Aquino. I'm sure he's been there for her since but now, they are finally together. I'm hoping my mom gives her the best welcome in heaven.
Mrs. Aquino, you will be missed by many filipinos and those who believe in true democracy... You showed us how it was done. We will ensure that Philippines remain a democratic country.
More detailed story here.
much love and prayers,
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