Natural Exfoliation to Good Skin with Asian Secrets | Video Tutorial
They say that pregnancy is going to give you the glow that you've been searching for a long time.
Not for me! Not at all. I've had to deal with a lot of acne, increased oiliness on the skin, unusually large pores and uber thick feeling on the skin around the face. And as a veritable beauty blogger that I am, I had to look for solutions.
But given my condition and the oh-so-many pregnancy rules I have to follow, I met a lot of dead ends. I couldn't use the usual acne skin care products I owned since most of them contained either BHA or Salicylic Acid, ingredients that were not recommended to be used by pregnant women. I couldn't go to a derma and ask for a peeling treatment since pregnant women tend to have heightened sensitivity to the skin. Peeling treatments at this point may cause more damage than good. Lastly, due to my nausea, I could only tolerate a handful of products that I can use on my face...
What does a girl do? I resorted to going back basics! Yikes! What are the basics again?
To exfoliate, of course!
To be quite honest, exfoliating is not something I do religiously on my own before. I usually get my dose of it when I go get a facial and peeling procedures. It was only now that I realize its unique way of caring for the skin even without expensive treatments. And when done correctly could definitely benefit your skin and save you a good amount of money.
Exfoliation provides a lot of skin benefits. One of which is to get rid of dead skin cells that may trap the pores that causes acne. It reduces skin irritation from product build up and renews the skin to its soft natural form. But I couldn’t just try any kind of exfoliating products. I searched and scorched the beauty aisle for the right product for my current skin condition.
Then, I saw Asian Secrets Lulur Indonesian Whitening Facial Scrub. I’m a huge fan of their body scrub and kept a good stock of it at home. I quickly grabbed the tube, tried it for a couple of weeks and I was amazed!
The Lulur beads, a ritual used originally in by brides in Java, Indonesia, are extremely gentle against my sensitive skin. And Bengkoang Extracts (English Yam or Singkamas in Tagalog) is potent with vitamin C and E. Vitamin C as you all know is great for giving our skin the glow it naturally needs while Vitamin E is a great hydrating ingredient that moisturizes the skin. Both of which are popular antioxidants that protect us from free radicals that can cause damage to our skin.
Now, there are several ways to exfoliate properly. But here’s a short video on how I use Asian Secrets Lulur Indonesian Whitening Facial Scrub using the dry exfoliation process. For me, it’s the best way to get rid of surface layer skin for a smoother, softer feel after.
For the last three weeks that I’ve been religiously exfoliating my face with Asian Secrets Lulur Indonesian Whitening Facial Scrub, I noticed that my skin had lesser acne. I still get some here and there but nothing as extreme as during my first trimester. My skin also felt smoother. The thickness definitely went away after. And that my face looks brighter now.
It’s not a magic potion that would instantly make you look beautiful. But it is a highly recommended ritual to achieve the skin you've always wanted. Now that I can’t do a lot of the “easy way” to get that radiant glow, I have more respect for going back to the basics and treating my skin with my own hands with natural ingredients that won’t harm my skin and the growing baby inside me.
It’s a journey definitely to a good skin. But I’m telling you that taking with you the Asian Secrets Lulur Indonesian Whitening Facial Scrub will make it a lot easier. Don’t take exfoliating for granted. :) Enjoy it and soon, you’ll be enjoying radiant supple skin worthy of a Java Princess!

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