My Twice A Week Habit
As far as I know, Filipinas are one of the cleanest women I know. I don't know why, but even with poor conditions, we Pinays are sticklers to cleanliness. So much so, that even "down there" we have two different products that we use just so we're assured we are always fresh!
Am I right, or am I right? Of course I'm right!
We women do not only have our regular feminine wash soap but we also have Betadine feminine wash!
Betadine recently put together an event that encourages women to use their product twice a week. They really didn't have to tell me this because I do this twice a week habit ever since high school. :) But girls are growing up to become women everyday and they asked us to share with you the importance of this twice a week habit.
I'm sure your moms and titas told you how important it is to clean your lady parts. Even as a young kid, we were taught to never forget this area when bathing. Why? Well, us women are prone to a lot of infection in the vaginal region. Not only those that are sexually transmitted but also those caused by PH imbalanced brought on by humidity, food we take, medications and other things. Not only is it important to have a clean private area but also to consult a OB-GYNE when you feel there's something off with it.
Betadine Feminine wash is that extra cleanliness habit that you should incorporate in your grooming routine. You only have to do this twice a week and you're assured that you're doing your best for your body. To share with you, Betadine is a Povidone-Iodine. It's a 7.5% antiseptic and what it does is protect you from germs that could cause irritation leading to itchiness and genital infections.
Betadine Feminine Wash is not new to me, I started using in high school when my mom gave me a bottle. She advised me to use it twice a week and everyday when I was my period. And yes, I did follow all my mom's advises when it comes to grooming. I know that she always has my best interest so when she showed up with this, I made sure to use it. And until now, I have not skipped this twice a week habit.
If you're wondering, Betadine Feminine Wash is very safe to use. It's practically the same betadine we use to disinfect wounds and those used in the hospital. It doesn't sting and is it's mild. What I do is mix a few drop of Betadine Feminine Wash inside my dipper and dilute it. Then I use that to clean my private area and rinse off twice. I advise you start using this the moment you got your period. :)
Betadine also made sure that we care for our body holistically so they invited Posh Nails and Flawless to share with us some tips on how to care for our nails and our face. So much so that Flawless gave free products away along with some facial treatments! Flawless encourages us to get a facial at twice a week. They have natural whitening facial treatments that cares for the skin as well as lighten it. I've tried this and it's great!
Posh Nails on the other hands emphasized the care for hands and the cuticles. They carry amazing products and service treatments that address concerns we may have with our hands. Guests also got a chance to try their manicures and pedicures right there at the event. I got a manicure and a back massage and oh it was divine!
Caring for the body is a serious business but it's also fun with products and treatments now available to us. I'm just glad that I have something everything that I need to properly make sure I'm fresh and clean all over.
Thank you, Betadine, for the wonderful event! And thank you for reminding us that a little extra care is important with this twice a week habit.
I do it twice a week. Do you do it, too?
For photos of the fun event, check it out below!
The poolside of the Intercon Hotel came alive with these posh white set-up of the Betadine Feminine Wash event.
Ladies lounged while they got pampered by Posh nails with back massages and manicures and pedicure.
Flawless treated the guests with a mini gold game and a chance to win lots of prizes.
Here I am getting a massage.
I also had my nails cleaned by Posh nails.
Here I am trying out the mini golf game. I Lost but they still gave me a prize. yey!
Progam started after every one got a the duo treats they had in store for us. :)
One of the highlights was definitely the in depth discussion about feminine hygiene and how important it is to use Betadine twice a week!
But what made the event a lot more fun was the chance to see great friends in the blogging world.
Here I am with sisters, Vern and Verniece. :)
With fellow beauty blogger friends, Nikki and Angela.
With the lovely ladies of The Plump Pinay Twinsies, Stacy and Danah,
I take my Betadine twice a week habit that I brought it with me during my #MomMeCation at The Peninsula Manila.

I would love to hear from you!