Love Your Skin, Remove Your Makeup
How's your Valentine's, ladies? Did Christian Grey fulfill your dream or did you leave all your love hopes to Tadhana? Either way, there is always you to love yourself because we #LOVEALLKINDSOF LOVE!
And what better way to start loving ourselves but through our skin, right? So allow me to share this skin-loving post and I hope you pick up a thing or two on how to give your skin the love it deserves! Naks!
As much as I love makeup as the next girl (or probably more since I devoted a good portion of my life to it through this blog), I would never leave my makeup on purposely. Even when I was high from love during a romantic Valentine's Day date.
I would wake up at the middle of the night and remember that I didn't "wash-wash", that I will immediately go to bathroom to at least remove my makeup and wash my face before hitting the sack again. It was as if I was wired to get clean first before getting a peaceful sleep. And ugh! I hated seeing makeup residue on my pillowcase! My mom taught me this valuable lesson that I'm glad it stuck to me all through the years. And seriously, guys hate this. They may more dugyot than us but I know quite a handful or men who hates seein "your face" on their pillows.
And what better way to start loving ourselves but through our skin, right? So allow me to share this skin-loving post and I hope you pick up a thing or two on how to give your skin the love it deserves! Naks!
As much as I love makeup as the next girl (or probably more since I devoted a good portion of my life to it through this blog), I would never leave my makeup on purposely. Even when I was high from love during a romantic Valentine's Day date.
I would wake up at the middle of the night and remember that I didn't "wash-wash", that I will immediately go to bathroom to at least remove my makeup and wash my face before hitting the sack again. It was as if I was wired to get clean first before getting a peaceful sleep. And ugh! I hated seeing makeup residue on my pillowcase! My mom taught me this valuable lesson that I'm glad it stuck to me all through the years. And seriously, guys hate this. They may more dugyot than us but I know quite a handful or men who hates seein "your face" on their pillows.
Makeup is gaining more popularity every year but unfortunately, makeup removers is nowhere close to catching up. So if you're one of the many makeup lovers who are still clueless about makeup removers, here's one that should catch your fancy.
I can't stress for the life of me how important it is to remove your makeup before going to bed or at least not leaving it on for full 24 hours. Our skin needs to breath, our pores is not strong enough to the assault of some of the strong ingredients of our favorite cosmetics.
Makeup wipes don't need cotton balls or bottled oils. You don't need to shake a bottle. All you need is to open the flap and pick up one or two wipes and you can start taking off the makeup you painstakingly put on! And yes, despite all the hard work, you must remove it! :) Like now na!
Nivea Gentle Facial Cleansing Wipes allows us no excuse to be too tired or too drunk to ever remove our makeup. Unless we are knocked out completely, you can remove your makeup even at the comfort of your bed (or floor, your choice! blame it on tequila in the morning! I did!)! Nivea Gentle Facial Cleansing Wipes is incredibly gentle on the skin but removes all the makeup residue including waterproof mascaras and gel liners. Nivea has almond oil that helps breakdown the makeup. It's soaked in it that one wipe is usually enough to remove a full-on makeup. This much is true because you know how much I love my liquid foundations and volumizing mascaras. The cloth is also one of the softest I've tried in a long time. Another reason to love this makeup wipe is that it is also moisturizing which my face usually needs after a complete wipe-off. And it smells really nice!
NIVEA Daily Essentials Gentle Facial Cleansing Wipes
- for dry and sensitive skin
- alcohol free
- Cleanses, tone and hydrates
- Removes makeup and waterproof mascaras
Suitable for sensitive eyes
- with Natural Almond and Hyrda IQ
What is important is that I'm enjoying what I love and that is makeup and not suffering the consequence of playing too much with it.
It's not all that hard to keep your skin clean and healthy. Just keep a good cleansing wipes with you all the time and remove makeup or dirt anywhere, anytime you want. And my recommendation, of course, is Nivea Gentle Facial Cleansing Wipes.
Seriously, do you really want all the gunk in your face 24/7? Didn't think so.
Give your skin some much-need loving! Believe me, your skin will love you for it. It'll show with all the complements you'll be getting from boys, #withorwithoutmakeup on!
Happy Valentine's day to our lovely skin!
Give your skin some much-need loving! Believe me, your skin will love you for it. It'll show with all the complements you'll be getting from boys, #withorwithoutmakeup on!
Happy Valentine's day to our lovely skin!

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