Maybelline Color Tattoo 24 HR now in the Philippines
Amidst all the planning for my baby shower (yes, I butt in in some of the details of what was suppose to be a surprise! lol!), I attended a special event hosted by Maybelline Philippines at Sunshine Kitchen The Fort Strip. I always love attending Maybelline events as a blogger. They make an effort of making a launch of a product extra interesting.
Maybelline Color Tattoo 24HR launch is not an exception. We were treated to an afternoon of calligraphy workshop held by the InkScribbler, Alexis and a chance to be made over using the much antipcipated cream shadows, Color Tattoo 24HR by Maybelline's top makeup artists.
I had so much fun scribbling again. As I am currently practicing calligraphy for the Thank You notes that I will be sending out after my baby showers. :)
Read more on what happened during the event.
But first we were introduced to the Color Tattoo 24HR. One word: Amazing!
I've never really come across a product that stays on like a mother. These babies live up to its name, I tell you. No kidding. Specially formulated to last the whole day, Color Tattoos make a great base for eye shadow or standalone for any makeup look you want. Because of it's staying power, these shadows also make great liners for both upper and lwoer lashline. Well, the possibilities are endless with how good this product is.
Maia Ang sharing with us the latest trends and how Maybelline is always a part of the beauty wave with innovative products they come up with every year. :)
Tenacious Teal | Audacious Asphalt | Painted Purple
Gold Rush | Edgy Emerald | Barely Branded
With the long day that I had, these swatches stayed on for a good 12 hours on the back of my hand. Tried taking it off with wet wipes and soap and water but it didn't budge. Only when I got home and removed it using the Maybelline Lip and Eye Makeup Remover was I successful at taking it off.
Tenacious Teal | Audacious Asphalt | Painted Purple
Gold Rush | Edgy Emerald | Barely Branded
Our ThinkInk set. :) A notebook, our quill with the cutest nib ever, work cards and work sheets. :)
Alexis doing her thing. :) She's incredibly talented. :)
A dream to have! We were able to take these home. :) Woot!
Here are some suggestions created by the Maybelline team for all of us to try!
Makeover time!
With Chuchie L. She's the Junior Makeup Artist for Maybelline. We go way back nene days. :)
Here's my Maybelline Color Tatto 24HR makeover. :) Chuchie did a great job at upping the ante on my neutral makeup that day. Love love the Tenacious Teal accent on my lower lash line. :)
Get your Maybelline Color Tattoo 24HR shadows at your favorite Maybelline counters today! :)

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