And Happy's gender is...
I can't hold it in! I'm finally sharing it with you all! :)
I'm having a baby girl! Last week, the baby daddy and I went back to the OB for my 5th month check-up and to finally find out what my baby's gender is. It's one of the most exciting experience ever! I know parents-to-be would always answer that they would want a healthy baby regardless of the gender but deep inside secretly wishing for either a boy or girl. :) I'm one of those!
I wanted a girl! I didn't pray for it at all. I knew that I would love my baby regardless he or she turns out to be a boy. We were so accepting of both possibilities that we already picked out names for either. :) Yes, that's how excited we were! But God must have wanted to give me an early wedding gift by granting my desire to have a girl.
Why I wanted a girl? I wanted to love her as much as my mom loved me.. I wanted to share with her things that my mom and I did. Little things like going to a salon, having coffee or shopping. If she inherits my "kikayness", I wouldn't mind her taking over this blog in the future! I want to share stories with her about my childhood, how to behave in front of boys and ultimately guide her in my life that way that I was guided by mom. Aside from that, having a girl made R and I want to try out for a boy in a few years. Making his wish come true to have at least two children in our family.
I can't explain how overwhelming the joy I feel right now. I can't think of anything but this little girl growing inside me (and the wedding of course!). I can't believe that back in college, having a family was something that I didn't want. Funny how life changes us!!
I don't know when I'll be back to the beauty blogging grind. I'm reviewing stuff as I go through all the changes and the many things going on right now. But do forgive me if the primary purpose of this blog is taking a backseat. I need to take in all these new things happening to me. I can't let the moment pass by. It's to important, too precious.
Thank you! Thank you for sharing these special moments with me. For taking the time to read this blog and taking interest in things happening in my life now. I'm eternally grateful! :)

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