5 Skin Care Ingredients To Avoid During Pregnancy
This pregnancy has been such a blessing but it also comes with a price.. :)
Beauty regimen has taken quite the back-seat for me since I learned I was to be a mom. Having oily and acne-prone skin didn't help and actually was aggravated during pregnancy. I was having cystic acne on a daily basis! And the products I use to rely now have a NO sign in them! But of course, I didn't know that at first! I started to ask around, my OB, my friends and then the internet and boy-oh-boy do they have a lot to say about a lot of things when it comes to skincare while being pregnant. Some made sense while the others... well, they were just plain pathetic and unfounded, aim to put fear in the hearts of expecting moms!
I hate scaremongering articles so I'm keeping this article as realistic as I can. I'm not a professional nor have I consulted with so many that would make this a thesis-worthy. But I believe that pregnancy should not be a stiff/strict experience that you would have to give up your entire lifestyle.
We can still give our child the best we can without having to lose ourselves with all the no-no's that some holier-than-thou-freak-of-nature-nature-freak tells us. So I'm here to save the day! :) Or so I hope.. :)
Here are some really bad and some potentially harmful ingredients that you should avoid during your pregnancy. :) Click the jump and be informed! :)
1. Retinoids (very bad for pregnancy!)
Isotretionoin, Tretinoin, Retinol, adapalene, etretinate, retin-A, tazarotine, Tetracyline or anything Vitamin-A derivatives.
These ingredients are usually found in anti-aging and acne-prevention products. Whether orally or topical, it is better to stay away from these products as research show that it causes miscarriages and birth defects. I was actaully taking these a few years ago and I was advise to take pills with it. So if you want to get pregnant, stay away from these products.
Products in my stash that has retinoids: Pond's Age Miracle, Belo Prescriptives, Duac Gel, ISKIN New York Transformation Kit.
If you are using an acne-medication kit, better stop as soon as you find out you're pregnant and consult with BOTH OB-Gyne and your Derma for a safe alternative.
2. Salicylic Acid (not good for pregnancy! )
...or Beta Hydroxy Acid, Aspirin.
Found in acne prevention skin care treatments. And one that I really love because it penetrates deep in the skin exfoliate it. It's anti-bacterial which helps prevent acne as well as heal it. Salicylic Acid is in the family of aspirin which is not advised to be taken during pregnancy, so it's best to stay away. Just to be safe.
I honestly was using this during the first 2 months when I was pregnant. During the first month I didn't know yet I was pregnant, while in my second I didn't know it wasn't something I was suppose to use. I was using a topical treatment that has salicylic (Clinque and Kiehl's) and Hada Labo's Mild Peeling facial wash that I got from Hong Kong. I asked my OB and my mom friends and they said that it's better to stop as soon as possible. Just to be safe. :)
3. Oxybenzone (found in chemically-based sunscreen products, not so bad for pregnancy.)
May cause low birth weight for female children. I still have yet to find the study about this. When I do I will share them with you. But I really don't think it's entirely harmful. But just to be safe, we ought to switch to safer ingredients for our sunscreen. Look for Zinc Oxide or Titanium Oxide instead.
At all cost, never stop using sunscreen!
4. Benzoyl Peroxide
Found also in certain acne products. Studies on animals show birth defects but nothing on human studies just yet. Again, better safe than sorry. :)
5. Hydroquinone
Whitening ingredient.
Since whitening should be the last thing on our mind while being pregnant, use of this ingredient may not be that high. And though no specific study shows harmful effect of hydroquinone, the fast absorption rate of this ingredient may be be potentially harmful when use frequently. Again, best to avoid. :)
Other things to avoid are the following:
1. Chemically-processed hair treatments - hair coloring, bleaching, digiperm, rebonding, straightening, kertain and Brazilian blo-outs.
2. Hair Depilatory creams - not entirely unsafe and but must be used in moderation
3. Skin-Peeling Treatments - say buh-bye for now to TCA peeling, salicylic-based peeling.
Always read the labels before using and purchasing any items you will use during the course of your pregnancy. Most BA and Sales Associate are provided information if the product they are selling are safe for pregnancy or not. :) Ask for their advise of your healthcare provider is not available.
My research shows more ingredients that are said to be unsafe for pregnant women like parabens, fragrances and essentials oils but none of them were supported by a strong and reliable clinical study that shows birth defects or danger in pregnancy. These will still be up to us if we choose to expose ourselves to these ingredients. Ingredients that are not only found in our skin care but other beauty products and household items as well.
Being pregnant and soon-to-be a mom, it is better to be safe than sorry. But as a devoted beauty blogger, I want to help us out survive the pregnancy hormones that are ranging not only in our actions but also in both our body and skin. I think we shouldn't compromise. We live in the world that provides us with so many choices and if we are patient enough, we will find the right product for us and still feel that we are putting the safety of our child above all things!
At the end of the day, you alone can decide what's best for you. :)
Happy pregnancy!! :)

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