Reader's Question | Summer Dandruff Rescue
Ms. Shen,
Do you ever dandruff? I notice that this Summer my scalp is itchier and more irritated. I'm about to start a job soon and I don't want this problem. Please recommend an affordable dandruff treatment. Thanks in advance for your reply.
Dear M,
I can relate! I thought colder season will be the worst ever on my scalp but Summer is giving me hell. I had seborrheic dermatitis or more commonly known, dandruff. I developed it when a few months into my Digital Marketing job. Yes, this was Summer time last year. I thought that it was related to stress but even after my workload lessened, my dandruff persisted.
Summer can aggravate or cause dandruff due to the heat that causes excessive perspiration Sun Exposure, too, can irritate the scalp and trigger to imbalance it's natural ph causing skin to disrupt and react. If your skin is oily, your scalp might be likely to be one as well, making you more prone to dandruff.
I used a number of dandruff shampoos which are both hits and misses. One of the hits that I'm recommending you (since you asked for an affordable one) is Black Beauty's Cystral anti-dandruff shampoo. Comparing the ingredients to other dandruff shampoos, this contains the same ones at a much cheaper cost. And it smells great and don't resemble mass-marketed dandruff scents which can give clue to other you have dandruff. It smells great and doesn't dry out your hair. I'd still recommend a conditioner as follow up though.
Having an itchy scalp and flakes can be very irritating, especially now that you'll be venturing into a new world with your new job. Of course, I'd want you to be at your best. Here are a few tips.
- Start treating your dandruff using this shampoo everyday.
- Brush hair frequently to stimulate the scalp.
- Remember to massage your scalp, especially on parts that are most itchy and rinse thoroughly.
- If you have sensitive scalp, avoid too much sun exposure, bring a cap or umbrella before going out.
- If unsure that weather or stress is the culprit to your dandruff, try a few relaxing things to de-stress. Get a massage, go on a vacation or join a yoga class.
- If your dandruff persists or worsen, visit your dermatologist
Hope this helps you out, M. Let me know how it goes! :) And good luck with your new job!

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