Bobbi Brown Extra Hand Cream | All we need is a helping hand
Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light.
- Norman B. Rice.
Don't we all want to make a difference in someone else's life even just a little? Often times though, we find ourselves stopping, doubting if we "dare to help" when we ourselves are pretty much helpless. It's such a typical Filipino attitude to feel sorry for ourselves instead of looking to others and see that we do have more than what we need. That giving back isn't so bad.
I'm guilty of that. I am truly. Perhaps that's the reason why I try to engage this blog in a few giveaways. It's a part of me that wants to give back even just a little, even if the things I giveaway are just simple things that doesn't necessarily change someone's life.
This year is full of challenges for me. A lot of errors have been made and I'd like to believe that I have learned from them. Being on the other side of the fence, I am lucky to have friends and family who continuously lend a helping hand in form of moral support and plain being there for me when the going gets tough. I'm also lucky to always have this blog to help me ease tension and transport me to serene place when ever I sit down and write about a product I find interesting.
Someone told me once that my blog helped them a lot... A mom's friend from elementary days even uses one of my tutorials to practice an everyday makeup look. That touched me a great deal. Who would have thought that a woman like me could help out someone by just writing a few things about a makeup or a look?
But surprisingly, I did. It goes to show that no small things, the good things, go unnoticed. What's important is to always just try and think of others once in awhile. And so know, I continue what I have started and provide you guys with a little bit of help.
I've had the Bobbi Brown Extra Hand Cream for a month now. To be honest, a regular girl like me can do away with a hand cream. Then, I started noticing that my hands are getting a lot drier and blistery. Especially now that I'm getting into nail art and using nail polish remover more than before. I forgot how fragile the hands can get and I just forgot about them.
With the many products that we get to check out, you gotta give it to Bobbi Brown to make an unnecessary product, necessary. Because this tube haven't left my bag since I opened it last week. I'm not sure if it's the scent of shea butter and clary sage or the softness it has given my hands but there's something here.
What to love about Bobbi Brown Extra Hand Cream:
- Amazing scent
- Instant thirst of the skin quenched
- Helps soften dry cuticles
- Lessens the feel of callouses
- Whitening (thanks to the licorice extract)
- Easy to bring along everywhere
- Ergonomic packaging
To be honest, I hate the feel of hand creams. I like the long term effects but I'm not a fan of having my jittery hands sticky. Thank God, Extra Hand isn't! It absorbs quickly which is a plus. I hate getting products on to my stuff, especially my laptop! Don't you?
Although it doesn't come cheap, Bobbi Brown hand cream is the best hand cream I've tried. And believe me when I say that this is definitely one of the best out there. Worth a couple of thousands that you might have to pay for. The scent is relaxing, the texture is luxurious and it truly cares for the hands.
I'm not gonna bore you with the ingredient list, I suggest that you visit a Bobbi Brown counter and try it for yourself. One quick tip, use only a peanut size (see photo below), that's enough to cover both hands and you'll instantly feel the effect already.
Here's to smoother, healthier and definitely younger looking hands in a few weeks!
Do you use hand creams? If not, let me know so I can check if I'm not alone with the dislike for sticky-icky products. :)

I would love to hear from you!