Makeup Gig: Reve Shop Spellbound Collection | LaMesa EcoPark
I was invited by my Quorum sister, Christine, to do the makeup of her models (who are also Quorum members) for the latest collection of her clothing brand, Reve.
Reve is an up and coming fashion brand, created by two lovely sisters, Christine and Cecille. Both sisters have always loved fashion and have been seen sporting the latest trends. It's all but natural that they translate their passion for fashion into their own brand. Seeing as how beautiful their creations are, I could only say yes when they invited me to be a part of their latest collection as makeup artist.
I honestly was apprehensive to accept the job at first. It's been awhile since I did something as rigorous as an outdoor shoot. I was scared that my skills would be a failure. Doing makeup on another person is quite a different thing from knowing how to do your own. I thought my skills aren't at par for a project such as this.
Thanks to the beautfiul sunlight that day and great products, I was able to quite a decent job for this shoot. :)
Another thing that I brushed up on was my photography skills. I miss shooting people and this was an opportune time to practice my skills and I loved it. Post prod by your truly as well. :)

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