NYX Megashine Lipgloss (with swatches)

One of the things that I don't regret buying are my NYX Megashine Lipgloss. They have great color selection and pigmentation. The taste isn't awful (sort of cherry-ish) and slanted doe foot brush makes applying easier. ANd most of all, not all too sticky. L-O-V-E!
I know there are more NYX available here in the Philippines already and some of you could benefit in a little more than a swatch on the hand.
Here it is
NYX Megashine Lipgloss lip swatches.

soft pink with sparkles

great MLBB lip gloss

great for well, smokey look

a little darker than smokey with no sparkle.

in love with the 20's? this one is for you

out to party all night? this gold pink is such a
great partner. i should know.. :)
Most of them are wearable colors, suited really for all skintones. If you're on a budget but would like a quality product, this is your best shot.
I got this off of Cherryculture.com but you can have yours pre-ordered or ordered depending in Lelila's stock from Digital Traincase Multiply.
Here are my previous NYX swatches if you care to check them out.
much love, Shen
much love,
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