Happy One Year, Shen's Addiction (Pics Prizes are here!)
Today, I celebrate the one year that has been full of fun times. I've met many many wonderful people here who shares my love (eerrmm... addiction) in anything beautiful and colorful in makeup and beauty stuff. I've created many great friends who were there not only in good times and in bad times. I am so thankful for that. But most of all, for those who reads this blog. You make everything and the eyebags, all worthwhile. No matter what obstacle I encounter, I'll never stop doing this because this makes me happy. :)
Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you. I look forward for yet another year of beauty blogging! I think there is a higher power who led in doing this.
Thanks to Sophie but jumpstarting my mineral makeup addiction and for asking me to go to those wonderful places with you that taught me that there is another world out there that needed exploring. Thank you for aiding me in everything about makeup and for being a true friend.
For Jheng in inspiring me to blog and for being such a great friend. I never thought we could be this close
For Nikki who has been a confidant and teacher in blogging.
For Phoebe for making sure I'm doing everything right and for getting me addicted to skin care.
For Mhean, in being such a great big sis and MAC source for me during Neo sci-fi collection.
To the bloggers who preceded me who've been an ispiration (aileen, nessa, anne, ren, and more).
To all those Youtube tuts that I watched that helped me in improving my makeup skill from 0 to tolerable. I still have much to learn
For all my girls in GirlTalk (esp. nikkiz and aika) for helping me out both in MMU and makeup skills.
For Jaimie who's just been the sweetest. We don't know each other much before but we felt like old friends.
And for all those who became dear close blogger friends whom i keep in touch with through their blogs. (yah know who you are).
For my MOM, who never got tired of seeing me in front of the computer and not saying anything against it. Thanks mom for being my first benefactress in taking me to Christ the King Bazaar last year 2007 and gave money for me to purchase my first mineral makeup. :)
To BareNaturals, Ellana and BeautyandMinerals for supporting this contest and for being the first mineral makeup stores I bought from.. you made me never stop blogging because of your wonderful products. :)
Thank you to my beautiful readers, both strangers and friends. :)
I'm glad that I am a source of help/entertainment/etc. to you. :)
Here they are, ladies.
The prizes for My One Year of Beauty Blogging. :)
I was lucky enough to have gotten these prizes for the 3 lucky ladies who'll be randomly picked as winners!!!

Brushes from Charm Brushes of Beauty and Minerals are to follow.
If you can't wait to win these items, are available in their respective websites.
(International shipping available.)
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Thanks for those of you joined.
(don't forget to verify to subscription. re-subscribe if no notification has been received on your emails)
There are a few more days to join for those who haven't subscribed yet. hurry!!
details of how to join are here.
much much loooooove,
P.S. I am so happy that Shen's Addiction's Birthday fell on March, The Women Month. :)
P.S. I am so happy that Shen's Addiction's Birthday fell on March, The Women Month. :)
I would love to hear from you!