Philosophy is Back! #philosophyph
A definite highlight to my week last week was when I got an invite to the relaunch of Philosophy! I really missed Philosophy!
And i'm sure I'm not the only. When I started posting some of the things I saw during the launch, I was pleasantly surprised with a number of people who are as excited as I am to know that Philosophy is soon to be available here in Manila!
Here are some of things I saw during the launch and other exciting news from the brand! :)
Many fell in love and got inspired with the Amazing Grace fragrance (Php2,495, 60ml) from Philosophy that it was followed with more Graces. :) All of it smells really nice! There is not a bottle that I didn't want to collect!
The Grace collection comes complete with both body lotion (Php1,495) and shower gel (Php1,495). :)
Sigh! I wish I could take these home already. :)
And of course, Philosophy is famous for their bath and body products and their quirky gifting items. :)
I love how the Shampoo, Shower Gel & Bubble Bath 3-in-1 (Php1245, 480ml) products were treated as if the are refreshing drinks... Which I think was genius since I always think of these bottles very much refreshing after using them!
Aside from getting to see the products that will soon be available at the Philosophy boutique soon to open at Megamall, we were also introduced to some of the best-selling skin care of Philosophy. This was actually my favorite part since i'm a big fan of their skin care line. I am floored with how much research they put in in each product and I urge you, ladies and gents, to try them when you can!
Ryan Cu, Philosophy brand manager, proudly introduces Philosophy to some of Manila's best beauty editors and bloggers. So happy to be a part of this event. :)
Also, they reintroduced to us Philosophy's best-selling skin care.
Did you know that 80% of Philosophy's products are focused on skin care?
Here are some of the things that I am so impressed with during the relaunch. Some I've used and others I've had the pleasure to try. :)
A dual-ended skin care, Full of Promise, is a day and night serum. :) See the sun and moon signs on the bottle? Open those up and you'll see pumps that'll dispense the serum. The packaging is ergonomic and definitely travel-safe. :)
By far one of the best products I've tried and am so glad it's back! It's the Microdelivery Peel Kit (Php3,995) that contains a vitamin-C infused micro scrub and salicylic acid activator to help get rid off dead skin and rejuvate skin. It's great for troubled, acne-prone skin.
I used this for a few months and and I could skip visiting the derma. You won't need a peeling procedure when you have it. :)
One of the most intriguing products is the Turbo Booster C Powder. It's a well-stabilized Vitamin C that comes in a powder form. Mix it with Hope in a Jar (Php1,995)--Ophrah's favorite moisturizer that now comes in an oil-free version)--or your regular moisturizer. :) You'll notice a glowing difference. Face is smoother and softer. :)
Philoophy do not only focus on anti-aging and acne-prone skin One of their best-selling product is actually their Purity Made Simple 3-in-1 cleanser for face and eyes (Php1,195, 240ml). But they extended the line to Foaming 3-in-1 cleansing gel for face and eyes (Php1,395) and Mineral oil-free cleansing oil for face and eyes (Php1,195). These are pregnancy-safe.
They are carry several products that are good for expecting moms and those with sensitive skin.
But some of their best-selling lines are those for anti-aging or what they fondly call, Miracle Worker kit. A retainoid-based skin care set that will take your skin to the next level if not totally renew it. :) I can't wait til I get to try these.
What impressed me the most about Philosophy is now each product are effective but also providing them with inspiring names and messages and description that uplift us.
Philosophy will soon be available to everyone again here in Manila. They will open the first-ever Philosophy boutique at SM Megamall Atrium. It will have all your favorite Philosophy item and a facial services for you to enjoy using Philosophy products.
I can't wait!! Counting days til it's December!
What's your favorite Philosophy product? :)

I would love to hear from you!