Happy Birthday, Beauty and Minerals!! Thanks for the NOVEMBER SALE!!
Has been 4 years???
I remember seeing Sophie, brainchild of Beauty and Minerals, back in 2007 at a bazaar in Christ the King Church. I forced my mom to spend the day going to bazaars and one of the first stop was Sophies. With how little allowance I get back then, I want to use it all up at Sophie's B&M Booth. I got my first taste of mineral makeup from her and let's just say and as you all know... the rest is history.
Gosh!! Has it been that long? And look where she is now? I'm glad that this dudette became such a good friend. I learned a lot from her from choosing the right shade to being there when my mom died. I didn't expect that the girl I use to admire from afar and behind my law school books is now a 4 year old entrepreneur extraordinaire!
And because she wants to show her appreciation for all the support you gave her suring this 4 years... she's having a... wait for it... wait for it... wait... for.... iiiiiiit....
A ........ SALE!!!
Lol! I was channeling Barney Stintson of How I met your Mother!!
I remember seeing Sophie, brainchild of Beauty and Minerals, back in 2007 at a bazaar in Christ the King Church. I forced my mom to spend the day going to bazaars and one of the first stop was Sophies. With how little allowance I get back then, I want to use it all up at Sophie's B&M Booth. I got my first taste of mineral makeup from her and let's just say and as you all know... the rest is history.
Gosh!! Has it been that long? And look where she is now? I'm glad that this dudette became such a good friend. I learned a lot from her from choosing the right shade to being there when my mom died. I didn't expect that the girl I use to admire from afar and behind my law school books is now a 4 year old entrepreneur extraordinaire!
And because she wants to show her appreciation for all the support you gave her suring this 4 years... she's having a... wait for it... wait for it... wait... for.... iiiiiiit....
A ........ SALE!!!
Lol! I was channeling Barney Stintson of How I met your Mother!!

The whole November?? Really!!! And it includes the Brushes!! Oh the Charm Brushes!
And the best of it all, she's having tons of sale and you can check 'em all out at Holiday bazaars!

Cheers to Sophie and Beauty and Minerals!!
Congratulations and Happy happy Birthday!!
Hopefully, I'll get to see you there but if not.. it mean I'm busy with the BF's birthday!
click the website below to find out the stuff you can get during this sale!! Amazing amazing deals!!
much love,
I would love to hear from you!