Finding The Right School The Second Time with iACADEMY
Friends from iAcademy Philippines wants me to share this with you all, they want me to let you know how easy it will be for you should you wish to transfer school. I know it's not beauty related but I definitely think it's highly relevant for my readers in college. :)
While I was reading the press kit about their Transferee program, I can't help but look back to the time when I almost wanted to switch to a different schools for a program that I wast interested in. I was a Psychology major but my heart truly was in Communication Arts. But during my time, shifting was a major no-no. There's a stigma attached to students who switch courses and schools. But how can a 16 or 17 year old really be sure with what course to take? When we step in college, options are just overwhelming. Meeting new people, and getting exposed to a lot of interesting things could often change our minds and make us realize that we excel in other fields.
Another reason that students put up with the course they are in is because of the cost. Shifting or changing school may mean retaking subjects they already took just because the school you want to transfer to don't credit the units. Which deter students from pursuing their passions and parents unsupportive due to the unnecessary cost, making their children put up with their first choice.
iAcademy realized this and so made an effort to to make it easier for transferees to explore other educational options. “We have managed to simplify this process by putting prospective students or transferees as the priority. Interested applicants may send in their application forms with their transcript and we can get back to them within 24 hours with an assessment. We also have a team of trained counselors who can guide them through the process of identifying their major as well as academic consultants who can discuss their next steps in detail.”, said explains Mr. Mitch Andaya, Vice President for Academics, iACADEMY.
It's that's simple. What's great is that iACAMEDY provides the Lucrative and highly relevant course offerings aligned with modern student interests. They also take pride in 100% employment of their graduates which makes their institution more attractive to high school graduates and transferees.
Looking as how as a mother, I have to think of all this in the future for Claud, I'm glad that I'm more open-minded now than parents before. Because as a parent, all I really have to be is supportive to my what my child truly wants to do for the rest of her life. :)
I miss school all of sudden.. oh, the memories.. :)

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