Fairest of them All | Snow Skin Whitening Body Lotion and Cream Review
Beauty is still a huge part of my life but I look more closely now on the things I buy for myself. Spending wisely often mean getting the best than looking for the cheapest. Quality of quantity for this instance. So unless your income can't really take it, don't feel bad buying something nice (but effective!) for yourself!
When I saw Snow Skin Whitening ads circulating around media and saw some of my friends try it, I thought it was just a regular run of the mill whitening lotion. But giving it a closer look, Snow White Lightening Lotion and Cream proved to be a worthy contender for the general mass-marketed produced whitening lotion. The name Snow White was came about because this body lotion has 7 active ingredients that were proven to work.
And these 7 ingredients and the amounts of it in every exactly what makes this a top of the line but affordable body lotion!
TIP: If you're looking for a great (not just good) whitening skin care or body care, look for ingredients that inbihits tyrosinase in our skin. Tyrosinase causes melanin production that causes our skin to darken.
Reading through the 7 ELITE ACTIVE ingredients list of Snow White Skin Whitening Body Lotion and Cream, I was getting more and more impressed!
These are the ingredients you want to see when your goal is a fairer, softer and younger looking skin. So allow me to be technical because I am incredibly amazed with these ingredients!
- Alpha-arbutin - promotes lightening and an even skintone on all skin thpes
- Minimizes liver spots
- Can reduce the degree pf skin taaning due to UV exposure
- Popular whitening ingredients found in most whitening beauty and personal care products
- AlfaflorGigawhite - derived form Alpine plant that has tyrosinase-inhibiting activity. Proven to be effective and results are immediate.
- BetaGlucan or SymGlucan - a natural product derived from oats that contains moisturizing and anti-aging effects. It resulted to smoother and softer skin just in less than 4 weeks.
- IBR TCLC - this tomato colorless carotenoids has a lot of benefits! It provides sun protection, antioxidant and even has anti-inflammatory. It's so effective that it even boosts other active ingredients it comes across with.
- IBR Snowflake - an ingredient derived from Summer Snowflake bulbs that has been proven to slow the signs of aging and targets muscle contraction! And yes, it is still a skin lightening ingredients.
- BearBerry Extract - or Melfade-J is derived from bearberry leaves and when combined with magnesium acorbyl phospate is yet another ingredient that effectively inhibits tyrosinase.
- Pheylethyl Resorcinol or SymWhite - a breakthrough ingredient that is proven to be the most potent tyrosinase inhibitor. It is safe to use and unlike other whitening ingredients, it doesn't burn or sting.
I can't tell you enough how important a tyrosinase-inhibitor ingredients are because they are the most effective and fastest way to skin whitening. So before carting anything a celebrity is endorsing, pay attention to the ingredients and don't allow yourself to be ripped off products that have little whitening ingredients in them.
So how can I not be impressed with Snow White Skin Whitening Body Lotion and cream wen it's heavily backed up with science and research in every step of the way? And as I continue to use it, there is undeniable results!
- My left arm which is more exposed to the sun when I drive is now almost the same shade my right arm.
- There is already fading on the tan lines I acquired from a pool party I hosted two weeks ago.
- My stretch marks and CS wound is significantly lighter, especially the stretch marks around the bum area.
- It faded the marks on my legs that used to have marks from chicken skin.
- My elbows and knees are restored to it original skinton
*These results are from one month usage.
How to use Snow Skin Whitening Cream:
Snow Skin Whitening Cream |
Apply to the following areas that are more prone to trauma (rubbing, wounds, scrapes, etc.)
- Face
- Neck
- Elbows
- Underarm
- Knees
- Ankles
- Groin
Snow Skin Whitening Body Lotion:
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Snow Skin Whitening Body Lotion |
- All over the body, not forgetting the back area
- It's Hydroquinone-free which is not best for sensitive skin.
- Hydroquinone is popular whitening ingredient but it usually causes stinging and peeling that can turn to skin trauma.
- It's Paraben-free that will suit even women/men with sensitive skin.
- It comes in a posh white cylindrical container and air-less pump and it looks really fancy on top of my pearly white dresser.
- It dispenses just the right amount of product needed for a specific area. Don't be fooled by it, a little goes a long way.
- It smells awesome! Love the powdery fresh scent... and it doesn't linger so I can use any perfume without worry it would mix with it.
- It gets absorbed easily on to the skin leaving no icky after-feel. Great for Summer when we all need sun protection and maintain our fair skin.
- Best of all, the lotion is only P799 and it can last 3-6 weeks of use for petite person like me. The cream is only P1,299 and will last far longer when used only on targeted areas.
This lotion and cream means business and that is giving you the fairest skin if them all.
Snow Skin Whitening is definitely mommy-approved and beauty blogger-approved!
Thanks for this wonderful review! I'm so excited to use the lotion because it does have a positive result especially on your stretch marks, which is my main skin problem. Crossing my fingers to get the same results. :)
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