Our Joint Bridal and Bachelor's Party
For the first time in my life, my friends were able to surprise me. Better yet, our friends were able to surprise me and R! I should have known that the FK's wouldn't let a chance like this pass that night but for the life of me, I was truly clueless. I guess, with how fast the wedding date was approaching that week, a bridal shower wasn't in order...
But my dear FK's sisters clearly had something up their sleeves! :) Secretly, they were planning a joint bridal and bachelor's party for me and R! With Aiza's birthday celebration as decoy, R and I didn't imagine the night would also be about us. :)
They had us both blindfolded, guided us into a pathway with candles lit around us. At the end was a beautiful lounge area with a banner that says "Getting Hitched". They gave Ron and I shirts to wear that says "Kiss the Bachelor good-bye and mine, "Kiss the Bachelorette good-bye." Framed photos of me and Ron also sat on a table.
They prepared fun kinky games that we all could participate it. Which I must say involved a lot of bananas! Hahaha! There was an AVP for me and of course, messages from my dear FK sisters and their significant others. They made me cry happy tears. Such grand gesture was truly unexpected and I was incredibly touched and in awe with how special they made us feel that evening.
R and I have been living together for most of the 8 years we've been a couple. We truly do feel married to each other and I think we've gone through more things than true married couples have. But for my FK sisters to give me a chance to say good-bye to the single blessedness and upped the high of finally tying the knot with R just sealed the deal for me. I am ready and I couldn't wait to finally become R's wife. They made me anticipate the day that I would say I do to the love of my life.
More so, I have come to appreciate my friends more for making this milestone in my life extra special. It was just suppose to be just a simple thing, get hitched.. and that's it. But they took the extra mile and made sure that this will be a moment to remember. One that Ron and I would, fondly. :)
Sharing with you photos of the night.
Photos taken by Jay, Kat's significant other. Thanks, Jay! :)

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