Tech Tuesday: Tech21 Impact Band iPhone 5 Phone Case
Consider me an almost-geek when it comes to my gadgets. I go for the quality, the quirky scientific stuff before I go for design or color.
Case in point, the new Tech21 D30 Impact Band iPhone 5 case I got for my baby, Favia! Knowing how badly I've treated my previous iPhone, I choose not to take risks and get my baby a better casing. One that has protection but still retain it's slim feature. That is after all one reason why iPhone 5 has become a hit for tech-noobs and tech-savvy peeps.
Did you know that there are over a million units falling off their owner's hands right this very minute? Yup! There's over 1 million klutz like me who at a point of buying their phone, have already dropped them. Que Horror!
That's why I chose to have my phone protected by something really snazzy!
I love the Tech21 Impact Band casing! Tech21 took D30 into their phone cases to help protect their units. You see, D30 is a rubber-like substance that hardens upon impact. Yes, it's rubber! And it hardens upon impact absorbing the shock away from your beloved unit. Don't believe me? Watch the video below.
Tech21 protects the mobile device through Impact Protection or what they candidly call, Impactology. Like the video mentioned, D30 is made up of molecules that when it receives a blow, the molecules lock in together and move the force away from the unit.
D30 is an innovative product made easily accessible for us to give our iPhone 5 a protective hug. Awww! It's so cool, I can't get over it! And at Php1,200 and gorgeous sleek design, I figure it's well worth giving up a few cups of expensive coffee.
Tech21 casings are available at Beyond the Box, Digital Walker, Digital Hub, Games and Gadgets, iGig, Mobile 1, Senco Link, Switch, Technoholics, The Inbox Store, Vertex, Banana Telecome (Davao), E-Central (Cebu), Powerhub (Davao).

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