Review: Ellana Retractable Sythethic Brush

I've been looking for a great, soft retractable brush and I think I found them...

After all the kabuki brush sold out at Ellana, there was only Baby Buki with Canister to buy. When I visited there shop for the first time, I was so intrigued when i saw their new RETRACTABLE SYNTHETIC BRUSH. So, what did the *cough*addict did?

I got one!

photo credit: shen

photo credit: shen


1. Priced reasonably at Php500($11). Isn't that a deal for something that you take around with you?
2. The bristles are very soft. It does not hurt the skin at all compared to the other retractable brushes i bought.
3. Has bigger a diameter from all the brushes i've seen. Therefore, better for application of foundation or finishing powder on that on go moment. (I know I've tried it a million times) ... and blush, too! This brush definitely delivers!
4. Sleek-looking in this silver case.
5. When you pull up to close, the brushes are covered, hence, no flyaways.
6. Synthetic so animal-cruelty free!
7. Available here in the Philippines!
8. For the Kikay on-the-go. This baby can fit your makeup kit, i'm so sure.
9. Safe from acquiring bacteria since it has a safety cap to keep it neat and tidy. don't we just love that in retracable brushes?
10. Lightweight, that using this brush isn't a task at all. So great for travelling.

There you have it. :)

pictures comparing the Ellana Retractable Brush to my Body Shop Retractable Brush.

To my Filipina readers, hope this post helped you on your search for a cheap but great quality Retractable brush. :) I know some of you there are tired looking for it.

For all my readers, i'm just proud that products like this is readily available to us here. :) We all know how frustrating it is to have only a few choices for quality brushes. :)

much love,

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